We live in a world where privacy is hard to come by. Everything is out there on social media for everyone to see, and the internet is forever. But thanks to several big-name companies using AI software, employees may not even be able to keep to themselves in the workplace.
Walmart, Chevron, Delta Airlines, Starbucks and T-Mobile have all begun using software from Aware, a company based in Columbus, Ohio that specializes in artificial intelligence. The startup has been in business since 2017.
Aware’s co-founder and CEO Jeff Schumann touts his company as the Swiss Army knife of AI. Schumann says the software can read text, process images, and even identify bullying and harassment in the workplace environment. Not only that, Aware can root out behaviors that are noncompliant with a company’s HR policies, and flag explicit adult material.
But even with Aware’s supposed benefits, there still are some who feel that this might be taking things just a little too far.
Amba Kak, the Executive Director of the AI Now Institute at New York University, says she worries about how this kind of artificial intelligence will change communication between employees.
“It results in a chilling effect on what people are saying in the workplace,” she said. “These are as much worker rights issues as they are privacy issues.”
For a greater understanding of Aware’s current technical capabilities, as well as the business moves that brought the software to the forefront of workplace security, read the article below.
Employees in certain work environments already have to watch exactly what they say, do and believe for fear of being canceled. Aware AI, and other software programs like it, certainly doesn’t help put their minds at ease.
But Mercer, an HR consulting firm, highlighted three ways companies could lower the risk of using generative AI like Aware in the workplace.
First, Mercer suggested that companies that are using generative AI, should build comprehensive training programs for the use of the software.
Second, there should be clear guidelines for what is and is not appropriate AI usage for workplace leaders and employees.
Lastly, Mercer encourages complete transparency from companies when it comes to the job security of their employees.
A link to the full article regarding Mercer’s generative AI suggestions can be found on X.
We are at a crossroads. Technology is evolving exponentially. Many aspects of it can be used to create a brighter, safer and healthier world for everyone. But we must also be aware of the potential dangers and pitfalls that come with it. Not everyone has everyone else’s best interest at heart. We must be on guard against those who seek to take advantage of others as well.