Watters: Trump Courting Black Voters Amid Shifting Political Landscape

In a recent segment on Fox News’ The Five, host Jesse Watters made waves with his commentary on former President Donald Trump’s enduring appeal among Black voters. Watters pointed out that Trump’s popularity transcended racial lines before he entered politics as a Republican.

“Blacks loved Trump,” asserted Watters, emphasizing that this sentiment persisted until Trump’s presidential bid. He noted that Trump’s ability to connect with minority voters has put him in a favorable position against President Joe Biden, whose support among black voters has seen a decline.

“So it does seem like they’re trying to say Trump’s racist, and they have to go all the way back into the 80s to say he’s racist,” he said. “I remember in the 80s, Blacks loved Trump.

In the 90s they loved him. In the 2000s, Blacks wanted to be Trump. Everybody wanted to be Trump, no matter what color you are. That changed when he ran for president.”

Watters highlighted the strategic shift in Trump’s campaign approach, particularly his outreach efforts in traditionally Democratic strongholds like the Bronx.

“And I don’t think Black Americans even really knew who Joe Biden was until Barack Obama tapped him for VP,” Watters added. “But the way the electoral system is in this country, because time is money. You know, a lot of the times you raise money in your own strongholds, and then you campaign in the battlegrounds and you kind of leave your other opponent’s base alone. That’s off the table now because Trump smells weakness. So he’s diving into Joe Biden’s base.”

Drawing an analogy between voters and courtship, Watters stressed the importance of engaging with diverse communities and lavishing attention on them.

“They want you to lavish attention on them. So the Bronx is now like hey, where you been all my life? Come over here. And he’s coming and he is going to come strong,” he explained. “I think if you replicate this, maybe not in New York, but if you go into these deep blue precincts in Philly, you do it in Milwaukee, you do it in Atlanta, you do it in Detroit. If you can just get in a battleground, maybe three to four more percent of the Black and Hispanic vote in these cities.”

“That makes a huge difference in November,” he concluded.

The significance of Trump’s outreach efforts is underscored by recent polling data, which indicates a notable increase in his support among Black Americans. According to Wall Street Journal polling, thirty percent of Black men and eleven percent of Black women intend to vote for Trump in 2024, representing a significant uptick from 2020 figures.

Conversely, Biden has experienced a decline in support among Black voters, as revealed by an I&I/TIPP Poll survey. Biden’s support among Black voters has plummeted by 28 percent since the 2020 election, while Trump has made gains in what the survey describes as “traditional Democratic constituencies.”

Watters’ analysis sheds light on the evolving political landscape, where Trump’s strategic outreach efforts and Biden’s waning support among key demographics have the potential to reshape electoral dynamics in the upcoming election cycle.

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